Patrol Division
The City of Weed Police Department, Patrol Division, consists of six sworn Officers; one Sergeant, one Corporal and four Officers.
The Patrol Division recorded a total of 25,732 incidents within the calendar year. These incidents consist of calls for service; Officer initiated incidents, arrests, citations and traffic collisions.
The Weed Police Department is devoted to community service and providing a peaceful, safe environment for its citizens and visitors. As an example the Weed Police conducted 3,117 house watches and building checks in 2010 to keep the number of burglaries low.
The Weed Police Department has adjusted the patrol schedule to provide more visibility on peak days, in order to reflect the proactive attitude of the Department.
Weed Police Department takes training and education of its Officers very seriously, going far beyond the mandatory 24 hours of training every two years required by Peace Officers Standard and Training. Officers are sent to beginning and advanced training in fields such as radar operations, crime scene reconstruction, firearm and driving training, barricaded subjects and active shooters to name just a few.
Officer: Sam Hopkins, Sam Hopkins E-Mail
Officer: Shawn Jole, Shawn Jole E-Mail
Officer: Rusty Owens, Rusty Owens E-mail
Officer: David Wilm, David Wilm E-mail
Officer: Michael Yingling, Michael Yingling E-mail